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Oil Mist Collector Maintenance: Filter ON’s Expert Tips for Optimal Performance

Oil Mist Collector Maintenance: FilterON’s Expert Tips for Optimal Performance

In filtration industries, oil mist collectors play a vital role in collecting mist particles generated during the machining process, but do you know how to maintain an oil mist collector for optimal performance? What are the maintenance guidelines, i.e., tips to follow? We will see in today’s blogpost how one can clean and maintain an oil mist collector for optimal performance with Filter ON’s Maintenance Tips Guide.

Why do oil mist collectors need maintenance?

Proper maintenance of mist collectors is crucial for preventing safety hazards in the work environment. These devices capture harmful particles, preventing them from entering the workplace. Inadequate maintenance can lead to filter clogging and equipment failure, posing safety risks as well as the risk of costly component failures in the mist collectors. Regular maintenance of the oil mist collector ensures its optimal performance, which prevents escalating issues at the time of use and ensures workplace safety for workers.

Technology Wise: Oil Mist Collector Maintenance Tips

Every oil mist collector has different types of technology used, such as ESP (electrostatic precipitator) and mechanical/centrifugal mist collectors.

Want to know about health hazards related to welding fumes? Click here to read more.

Electrostatic Precipitator Technology:

If your mist collector is based on ESP technology, then you need to follow these maintenance tips:

  1. Stir uniformly for 5 to 10 minutes to form a homogeneous solution.
  2. Dip or soak the ESP Cell (Stack) for 25 to 30 minutes in this homogeneous solution. (As per Clogged ESP Cell Condition & Stickiness of the Dust Particles in It).
  3. Remove the ESP Cell (Stack) from this solution and use a spray or gun to wash it with normal high-pressure water for 15-20 minutes. (The pressure limit is not more than 4 bars.)
  4. After properly washing the ESP cell, you must dry the ESP cell (stack) in direct sunlight or using compressed air (the pressure limit is not more than 3 bars).
  5. Dry it completely, make sure, and then install Stack in the ESP Cabinet.

  • Filter ON -1 Cleaning Powder
  • Large- volume water tanks open on top with drain provision at bottom.
  • Dedicated cleaning location and drainage facility.
  • High-pressure water
  • Compressed air
  • Material Handling Provision: Forklift/stacker, trolley, etc.

Every 1000 hours of operation and more often if the working conditions require it, clean the exterior and the suction mouth of the mist collector.

Programmed Maintenance:

In order to ensure the maximum efficiency of the air filter, it is necessary to undertake preventive programmed maintenance at regular intervals.

Filter, Seals, and Rotors Maintenance:

Cleaning the filters:

Careful and regular cleaning of all the internal parts (shell, drainage pipe, drainage ring, etc.) ensures high performance and long life of the air filter.

It is also important to routinely inspect the inside of the centrifuge and the turbine blades to remove any potential deposits of metal fragments, sludge, or other debris that might lead to a loss of balance in either the centrifuge or the turbine. to get rid of any potential deposits of sludge, metal particles, or other debris that might throw the centrifuge or turbine out of balance.

For the internal cleaning of the air filter and the rotators (either turbine or centrifuge), use a clean brush saturated in a mild industrial detergent solution. Alternatively, standard liquid soaps can be used. Should the dirt be very resistant, it is advisable to remove the rotor, use an alternative cleaning solution, and allow the centrifugal device to dry in the open air or dry with a jet of compressed air.

Structural Checks Required Yearly:

Each year:

Verify that the anti-vibration joints' nuts are securely tightened.

Every year:

Check the condition of the safety tie rods.
Check the good condition of the mist collector shell.

Every 4 years:

Replace the anti-vibration joints.

Benefits of Routine Maintenance of Oil Mist Collector Systems:

  • Worker safety and well-being.
  • Organizations bound by compliance.
  • Durability of Equipment
  • Operational Efficiency

In conclusion, centrifugal and ESP filter cleaning guidelines must be adhered to, and routine maintenance of oil mist extractors is crucial. This will allow workers to breathe clean air and extend the equipment's lifespan in compliance with regulatory standards and regulations.

Please contact us if you have any questions about fume extraction maintenance.
Email us:

Visit  blogs to learn more about the critical features of clean air system design and air pollution control systems created by Filter On India.

Filter On India has been working towards “Mission Zero Pollution” for the last 40+ years as a clean air solutions partner for industries. We specialize and have expertise in welding fumes, oil mist, coolant mist, dust collection, soldering, laser marking, laser cutting, plasma cutting, fumes in fastener manufacturing, ball point tip manufacturing, oil quenching, kitchen fumes, etc. Filter On has 70+ clean air solutions, so you can contact us for more information about our solutions. You can reach us through the web or visit us at our corporate office at Pune and our virtual locations at Delhi, Bangalore, Ahmadabad, Hyderabad, or Chennai locations.


Fume Extraction Standards & Regulations: The Essential Guide to Safer Workspaces and Smarter Investments

Fume Extraction Standards & Regulations: The Essential Guide to Safer Workspaces and Smarter Investments

Global market changes Day by day, manufacturers and companies need to comply with standards and regulations at every manufacturing process, such as welding, brazing, oil mist, dust collection, laser marking, laser cutting, etc. These processes need to comply with the safety standards and government regulations for each process as per the latest government norms specified.

Fume extraction standards and regulations

Safety Standards and Exposure Limits For Workers—Welding Applications:

As per the OSHA factsheet and India's PEL (Permissible Exposure Limits), the welding process is as follows:

OSHA standards for galvanized steel:

OSHA warns of welding hazards in galvanized steel and stainless steel. Galvanized steel, coated with zinc, can cause metal fume fever.

Want to know about health hazards related to welding fumes? Click here to read more.

OSHA standards for stainless steel:

Stainless steel coated with chromium is highly toxic and can cause cancer. Companies have a duty to guarantee that no worker is exposed to levels of chromium greater than 5 µg/m³.

Safety Standards and Exposure Limit for Workers: Laser Marking Applications:

  • The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) has established safety limits for laser marking, categorized into different classes based on their power and potential hazards.
  • Class 1 is safe under all conditions, while Class 2 is safe for short viewing times but can cause eye damage if mishandled.
  • Class 3B is unsafe for direct viewing and can cause skin and eye injuries.
  • Class 4 is high-power lasers that can cause skin and eye injuries and fire hazards.
  • Laser beams should not be directed at employees, and systems should not be operated in rainy, snowy, or dusty weather conditions.
  • Other safety limits include limiting diffused reflected light to 2.5 watts per square centimeter, preventing employees from exposure to microwave power densities above 10 milliwatts per square centimeter, and having removable panels and doors with interlocks that automatically reduce or stop laser emissions when the enclosure is opened.

Safety Standards and Exposure Limit for Workers: Laser Cutting Applications:

  • The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) has established safety limits for laser equipment, categorized by power and hazard level.
  • Class III B lasers are moderate power, while Class IV high power lasers pose hazards to view, ignite materials, and produce air pollutants.
  • It is not appropriate to point the laser beam toward workers, and it is not advisable to run systems in wet, snowy, or dusty environments.Laser equipment labeling should indicate its maximum output, and Class IIIB or Class IV lasers should be enclosed in a Class I enclosure or have a Laser Safety Officer present.
  • Ideally, the laser unit should be set up above employees' heads.

Visit  blogs to learn more about the critical features of clean air system design and air pollution control systems created by Filter On India.

Filter On India has been working towards “Mission Zero Pollution” for the last 40+ years as a clean air solutions partner for industries. We specialize and have expertise in welding fumes, oil mist, coolant mist, dust collection, soldering, laser marking, laser cutting, plasma cutting, fumes in fastener manufacturing, ball point tip manufacturing, oil quenching, kitchen fumes, etc. Filter On has 70+ clean air solutions, so you can contact us for more information about our solutions. You can reach us through the web or visit us at our corporate office at Pune and our virtual locations at Delhi, Bangalore, Ahmadabad, Hyderabad, or Chennai locations.


Analyzing Total Ownership Costs: Selecting the Right Clean Air Project Option

Analyzing Total Ownership Costs: Selecting the Right Clean Air Project Option

In the previous couple of blogs, we discussed planning and designing clean air systems, including choosing the right filtration technology and fan selection. Total ownership cost is a crucial parameter to consider, including filter technology, air flow capacity, running costs, filter replacement costs, blower capacity, and ducting length.

What is the total ownership cost?

Total ownership coat, a management accounting concept, helps determine the direct and indirect costs of a product or service over the long term to arrive at the correct decision while making decisions.

What is the total ownership cost of a clean-air system?

Total ownership cost for a clean air system consists of some parameters such as air flow capacity, filter efficiency, compliance with EMS, size of equipment, considered duct length, static pressure, blower capacity, cell configuration, total initial investment cost, running cost for 1 year, AMC charges per year, standby filter cell, replacement cost of the filter, any optional accessories, etc.

In short:

Total Ownership Cost concept for 3-5 years (installation cost + running cost + maintenance cost + replacement cost = Total Ownership Cost)

Consider a simple case study to illustrate this concept. A fume extraction system with a 45,000 CMH airflow capacity—three options based on different filtration technologies—is worked out.

Total Ownership Cost Structure
Parameters ESP Technology Cartridge Technology Wet type:Venturi Scrubber
Airflow Capacity 45000 CMH 45000 CMH 45000 CMH
Filtration Efficiency 95+/-2% for 0.5 micron and above particles It depends on media selection. Generally chosen cartridge: 99% for 1 micron or 0.5 micron for welding fumes 99% for 5 microns and 98% for 2 microns
Compliance with EMS Filtered air output is less than 5 ppm. Filtered air output is less than 5 ppm. Filtered air output is less than 5 ppm.
Size of Equipement Compact Larger than ESP system. The biggest of the three
Considered Duct Length Approx. 100 mtr. per system Approx. 100 mtr. per system Approx. 100 mtr. per system
Blower Capacity 50HP/37Kw 100HP/74.5Kw 150HP/112Kw
Total Initial (Basic) Investment Cost (Equipment, Ducting, and Installation) INR 60.16 lakh INR 76.31 lakh INR 104.81 lakh
Running Cost for 1 Year (considering 16 hours per day x 300 days and 10 Rs/unit) INR 17.76 lakh (per year) X 3 years = 53.28 lakh INR 35.76 lakh (per year) X 3 years = 107 lakh + compressed air charges INR 53.66 lakh (per year) X 3 years = 161 lakh + water charges
AMC Charges per Year (All Scope) Approx. Rs 6 lakh (for 12 visits per year) X 3 years = 18 lakh Approx. 1 lakh (for 4 visits per year) X 3 years = 3 lakh Approx. Rs 6 lakh (for 12 visits per year) X 3 years = 18 lakh
Replacement Cost Filter After 3 years, Rs 1.20 lakh for pre- and after filter replacement & After 5 years, Rs. 3 lakh for ESP filter refurbishment After 2 years, Rs 9.90 lakh N/A
Optional accessories like a VFD, PLC, motorized damper, spark trap, etc. INR 12.92 lakh INR 19.73 lakh INR 27.15 lakh
Total Ownership Cost for 3 Years 154.56 Lakh 215.94 Lakh 310.96 Lakh

Total Ownership Cost Structure
Cost Parameters Cost Of ESP Technology Cost Of Cartridge Technology Cost Of Wet type:Venturi Scrubber
Installation Cost 60.16 lakh 76.31 lakh 104.81 lakh
Running Cost 53.28 lakh 107 lakh 161 lakh
Maintenance Cost-AMC 18 lakh 3 lakh 18 lakh
Replacement Cost 1.2 lakh 9.9 lakh 0
Optional Cost 12.92 lakh 19.73 lakh 27.15 lakh
Total Ownership Cost for 3 Years 154.56 Lakh 215.94 Lakh 310.96 Lakh

Total ownership cost - parameters wise breakup

Total Ownership Cost Structure
Technology Total Ownership Cost
ESP Technology 154.56 lakh
Cartridge Technology 215.94 lakh
Wet/Venturi Scrubber Technology 310.96 lakh

Total ownership cost technology wise breakup

Fig: Total ownership cost(Technology wise breakup)

Understandings from the above example:

As per the above example of total ownership cost calculation about the 3 technologies, we can conclude that the ESP technology is totally beneficial in the long run as per the costing, as the total cost is very low; it’s only 154.56 lakh as compared to cartridge technologies 215.94 lakh and wet scrubbers 310.96 lakh for the period of 3 years.

Key takeaways from the above example:

  1. From the above example, you can see that the total cost of ownership of ESP technology is low as compared to the other two technologies.
  2. The total cost of ownership consists of several parameters that are very important, including air flow, blower capacity, initial cost, filter cost, cost of ducting, etc.
  3. The most important parameter of the clean air system is air flow calculation, so air flow rate is the most comparable factor to check which proposal is capable of solving your industrial indoor pollution problem.

Visit blogs to learn more about the critical features of clean air system design and air pollution control systems created by Filter On India.

Filter On India has been working towards “Mission Zero Pollution” for the last 40+ years as a clean air solutions partner for industries. We specialize and have expertise in welding fumes, oil mist, coolant mist, dust collection, soldering, laser marking, laser cutting, plasma cutting, fumes in fastener manufacturing, ball point tip manufacturing, oil quenching, kitchen fumes, etc. Filter On has 70+ clean air solutions, so you can contact us for more information about our solutions. You can reach us through the web or visit us at our corporate office at Pune and our virtual locations at Delhi, Bangalore, Ahmadabad, Hyderabad, or Chennai locations.


Comprehensive Guide to Duct Design: Types, Velocity, Power, and Pressure Drop with 7 Practical Design Guidelines

Comprehensive Guide to Duct Design: Types, Velocity, Power, and Pressure Drop with 7 Practical Design Guidelines

Ducting is a main and important component of any clean air system design. Ducting involves various parameters, including ducting type, required velocity, power consumption, and pressure drop. We will discuss all the above parameters in today's blog post, “Duct Design: Guide for Ducting Design of a Clean Air System,"  as well as a few guidelines for standard duct design. 

Duct Design: Types of ducting:

Ducting has two types:

  • Round Ducting
  • Rectangular Ducting

Duct type, such as round or spiral duct, is a type of steel pipe made from various materials like stainless steel, aluminum, copper, and galvanized steel.

Round ducts are more common in fume extraction and dust collection systems, whereas rectangular ducts are more common in air conditioning systems and fresh air ventilation systems.

Round vs. Rectangular

Why round ducting is preferred over rectangular ducting in air pollution control systems:

The main reason is that the dust accumulation inside round ducts is very low as compared to rectangular ducts. In rectangular ducts, dust keeps getting accumulated at the corners. This is not a good situation in any way because it creates a safety or fire hazard in the case of some industrial pollutants like aluminum dust and where there is a possibility of sparks or hot particles entering the duct. Other factors are:

  • A round duct has a low pressure drop.
  • Round ducting is also more rigid than rectangular ducting.
  • The round duct has a lower duct vibration drum effect than the rectangular duct.
  • A round duct has a lower noise level as compared to a rectangular duct.
  • Round ducting has less friction for the air to move around, so it tends to move faster and more efficiently as compared to rectangular ducting.
  • Round ducts work best with medium- to high-pressure clean air systems.

Certain optimum ranges are recommended as per application; e.g., for dust collector applications, a range of 20–22 m/s is common so as to avoid dust deposition inside the duct. This velocity ensures that most of the dust particles are swept effectively up to the dust collector. In the case of welding fumes, this value is lower (@15–17 m/s), as it would need much less velocity to convey fumes as compared to dust.

CFM, which is “cubic feet per minute,” = velocity, which is shown in “feet per minute,” multiplied by the area, which is shown in “square feet.”

Duct Sizing:

Duct sizing is the most important factor in the design of a duct.

How is the duct size calculated then?

The Darcy equation reveals that reducing duct diameter increases pressure loss at a constant volume flow rate, while larger volume flow rates require larger duct diameters.

Duct Sizing Methods:

There are three important duct-sizing methods:
  • Equal friction method
  • Velocity Method
  • Friction Method
  • Static Regain

Duct Velocity and Pressure Drop

Duct velocity and pressure drop are important factors in a clean-air system. These factors influence airflow, duct velocity, and total pressures. Accurate calculations help ensure optimal airflow, comfort, and efficient system design. Excessively higher velocities than the recommended range would produce a very high pressure drop. Also, too little velocity will increase the size of the duct and, thus, the ducting cost.

Velocity and power consumption

Higher velocity leads to a higher pressure drop, and thus, you would need more power to overcome that pressure drop. This will increase the running cost of the system.

Duct Sizing: Increasing and Reducing Diameters

Increasing and decreasing diameters in duct sizing are based on the Darcy equation. The Darcy equation reveals that reducing duct diameter increases pressure loss at a constant volume flow rate, while larger volume flow rates require larger duct diameters.

Elbows, sharp bends, reducers, etc.


Elbow Design Guidelines

Fig: Principles Of Duct Design-Elbows(ACGIH Industrial Ventilation-23 Edition)

Radius elbows are recommended for rectangular ducts, while mitered elbows with turning vanes are suitable for medium- and high-velocity VAV systems. Short-radius elbows with splitters are recommended for medium- and high-velocity systems. Mitered elbows with turning vanes are used if necessary, but not for low-velocity systems.

Sharp Bends:

Avoid sharp bends or turns to make the air flow clear, because sharp bends or turns restrict the air flow speed in ducting.

The ductwork system utilizes various types of bends, including long radius bends with a gradual centerline radius, short radius bends with a sharper radius, and U-shaped bends like return bends. Mitered bends, offset bends, and bumper bends are used to change flow direction, redirect flow, and absorb shock or vibration.


Sharp-step-type reducers are to be avoided. Smooth tapering reducers should be considered. Also, ensure that the size of the duct is expanded prior to connecting branches and not after the connecting branch.

Dampers for balancing

Dampers are essential in CV (constant volume) systems, including self-balancing methods. The use of dampers ensures that we get the required air flow as per design at each branch.

7 Practical Guidelines for Duct Design:

Duct Enlargements1

Fig: Principles Of Duct Design-Duct Enlargements(ACGIH Industrial Ventilation-23 Edition)

Duct Enlargements2

Fig: Principles Of Duct Design-Duct Enlargements(ACGIH Industrial Ventilation-23 Edition)

  1. The general rule of thumb is that the less duct work you have, the cheaper it’s going to be. The fewer bends and elbows required are ideal.
  2. The blower needs to be less static, meaning a more cost-friendly exhaust blower, requiring less HP and energy consumption.
  3. Straight runs are best because they reduce wear issues and resistance in your duct system.
  4. Long-radius bends, curves, and turns are essential in creating airflow, reducing static pressure resistance and enhancing airflow by ensuring soft and delicate designs. .
  5. The static pressure generated during duct runs can significantly impact the velocity of the air, requiring careful consideration and management.
  6. The nature of open or larger-diameter pipe sizes can allow for more movement and less static pressure.
  7. Consult an expert like Filter On India for typical duct-carrying velocities based on dust density.

Visit blogs to learn more about the critical features of clean air system design and air pollution control systems created by Filter On India.

Filter On India has been working towards “Mission Zero Pollution” for the last 40+ years as a clean air solutions partner for industries. We specialize and have expertise in welding fumes, oil mist, coolant mist, dust collection, soldering, laser marking, laser cutting, plasma cutting, fumes in fastener manufacturing, ball point tip manufacturing, oil quenching, kitchen fumes, etc. Filter On has 70+ clean air solutions, so you can contact us for more information about our solutions. You can reach us through the web or visit us at our corporate office at Pune and our virtual locations at Delhi, Bangalore, Ahmadabad, Hyderabad, or Chennai locations.


Optimizing Clean Air Systems: Part III -The Role of VFD for Fans

Optimising Clean Air Systems: Part III -The Role of VFD for Fans

In our previous article. we discussed the key parameters that need to be considered for the right fan selection. We have also checked what a VFD is, i.e., a variable frequency drive. As the role of VFD is an important parameter for our fan selection, Filter On is always considered. “Optimizing clean air systems: The role of VFD for fans” is important when designing clean air systems, so we have discussed here the role of VFD in improving our clean air system design.

Optimising Clean Air Systems: Role of VFD for Fans

The power consumed by any fan The blower depends on the air flow and total static pressure. Air flow depends on suction hood and enclosure design, while static pressure loss depends on ducting. layout and filter pressure drop. Designers must consider these factors to minimize motor capacity overdesign.

How air flow and static pressure are crucial factors in power consumption for a system.

Air Flow:

Air flow depends on the suction, hood design and enclosure arrangement. The main purpose is to capture the fumes before they spread into the environment.

Static Pressure:

Static pressure loss depends on ducting layout (diameter, conveying duct velocity, length, and number of fittings like elbows, tees, etc.) as well as filter pressure drop.

The Designer’s Role In System Design: Role of VFD for Fans

The designer needs to keep some margin considerations for air flow (to accommodate any minor additions needed) as well as static pressure (to accommodate a few changes in ducting layout and changes in filter pressure loss over time). Thus, the Blower selected especially in a centralized fume extraction system is overcapacity (both in air flow and static pressure) to accommodate these changes.

How is VFD useful for clean air systems?

Before going into this aspect, One has to understand the fan laws (especially for centrifugal fans). The understanding of fan laws will guide us about how to use VFD to optimize the power consumption of a blower in a fume extraction system without compromising the required performance.

A Brief Overview of Fan Laws: Role of VFD for fans

Role of VFD:Fan Laws

There are three fan laws to be followed.:

The first fan law states that

The changes in air flow rate of the fan are proportional to the changes in speed. the impeller. For example, if the impeller speed is increased by 10%, then the The air flow rate will also increase by 10%.

The second fan law states that

The changes in total static pressure in the ventilation system will increase by the square of the changes in impeller speed of the fan. For example, if the impeller If the speed of the fan is increased by 10%, then the total static pressure will increase by 21%.

The third fan law states that the

The changes in horse power required by the fan to turn the impeller will increase by the cube of the changes in impeller speed of the fan. For example, if the impeller speed is increased by 10%, then the horsepower required to turn on The impeller will increase by 33.1%.

Deploying VFD in a Fume Extraction System:

By using these fan laws, one can effectively deploy the VFD, PLC, and actuated damper combination to achieve huge savings in the running cost of a fume extraction system.

First, the system's initial set point should be adjusted to 100% of the required value based on real site conditions. Air flow is controlled at each station based on design estimates using manual dampers and a VFD. As a result, the system pulls the exact amount of electricity required. The initial configuration can save around 10–15% of electricity.

Because the blower is a centrifugal device, reducing the RPM results in a corresponding drop in airflow, but the power savings are in cube proportion to the RPM reduction. Thus, a 10% drop in RPM results in a 10% reduction in airflow, but a 19% decrease in power!

For optimal part load efficiency, A VFD must be paired with actuated dampers at each drop and a PLC controller. Running station-actuated dampers will remain open, while non-operational Station dampers will be closed by merging actuator and cell operations.

The signal from each damper (ON/OFF) is sent to the PLC controller, which decreases or raises the RPM of the motor based on the logic incorporated into the VFD. If half of the stations are closed, the RPM is lowered by half, resulting in a 50% reduction in air flow. In such a circumstance, the electricity savings might be up to 75%!

Thus, significant power savings can be achieved in partial load conditions. which can pay back for the additional investment costs for VFD and PLC in many cases.

Filter On India has been working towards “Mission Zero Pollution” for the last 40+ years as a clean air solutions partner for industries. We specialize and have expertise in welding fumes, oil mist, coolant mist, dust collection, soldering, laser marking, laser cutting, plasma cutting, fumes in fastener manufacturing, ball point tip manufacturing, oil quenching, kitchen fumes, etc. Filter On has 70+ clean air solutions, so you can contact us for more information about our solutions. You can reach us through the web or visit us at our corporate office at Pune and our virtual locations at Delhi, Bangalore, Ahmadabad, Hyderabad, or Chennai locations.


Selecting the Right Fan for Enhanced Air Quality: Part II – Key Parameters to Consider

Selecting the Right Fan for Enhanced Air Quality: Part II - Key Parameters to Consider

In our previous article, we discussed types of fans and recommendations for choosing the right fan selection for the right application. When we need to consider selecting the right fan for enhanced air quality, some key and important parameters need to be taken into consideration, We will discuss here the key parameters for selecting the right fan for enhanced air quality as well as explore more about configurations and types of drives for fans, which have a significant impact on the performance of the system as a whole.

Selecting the right fan: List of Key Parameters: ​

For enhanced air quality, we considered the key parameters for selecting the right fan, which are listed below.


Capacity involves flow rate based on actual cubic feet per minute (acfm) to the fan inlet.The water gauge measures flow rate and pressure requirements at standard conditions (0.075 Ibm/ftl) using FTP and FSP. If the required pressure is unknown under non-standard conditions, density correction is made to ensure accurate measurements.

  • Air stream Handled Through the Fan
  • Explosive or flammable material
  • Corrosive Applications
  • Elevated air stream temperatures

Air stream handled through the fan:

It involves the following:

Air Stream and fan to be used

Explosive or Flammable Material:

Always use spark resistant construction (use explosion proof motor if motor is in air stream. Always stick to the standards set by the National Board of Fire Underwriters, the National Fire Protection Association, and governmental regulations.

Corrosive Applications:

It may require a protective coating or special materials of construction (stainless, fiberglass)

Elevated Air Stream Temperatures:

Use the correct materials for construction, arrangement, and bearing types because the maximum operating temperature affects the strength of the materials.

Physical Limitations:

Physical limitations must be considered in fan selection. Fan size, inlet size and location, fan weight, and ease of maintenance are the important things to be considered along with performance requirements.The most efficient fan size may not fit in the available physical space.

Drive Arrangements:

In a packaged fan system, the drive arrangement, i.e., the motor, is provided by the manufacturer, but if you purchase an assembled unit, then you must make drive arrangements according to the motor type, such as:

  • Direct Drive
  • Belt Drive

Direct Drive provides a compact assembly with constant fan speeds, ensuring optimal motor performance despite variations in impeller geometry and motor speed.

Belt drive offers flexibility in fan speed. This can be done by altering the drive ratio. Some applications need flexibility in fan speed because it requires changes in system capacity or pressure requirements due to changes in process, hood design, equipment location, or air cleaning equipment.


Fan noise, generated by turbulence within the fan housing, varies by fan type, flow rate, pressure, and fan efficiency. Noise ratings must be obtained from the fan manufacturer, as each fan design is different. Most fans produce a "white" noise, a mixture of all frequencies, and radial blade fans also produce a pure tone at a frequency equal to the blade passage frequency (BPF). The backward inclined impeller design is generally the quietest, but non-uniform air flow at the fan inlet or outlet can increase fan noise level. Most fan manufacturers publish sound ratings, such as sound power levels for eight ANSI standard octave bands in decibels (dB). The surrounding environment affects the sound level, and the decibel unit is not interchangeable for sound power or sound pressure. Sound pressure levels are usually measured in dB using the "A" weighting scale, which closely reflects the human auditory response to noise of various frequencies.

Safety and Accessories:

Safety guards are required as per the latest government norms implemented everywhere. All the danger points, such as the inlet, outlet, shaft, drive, and cleanout doors, must be checked as per the safety guidelines. Accessories can help with installation as well as maintenance requirements. Examples of accessories include drains, cleanout doors, split housings, and shaft seals.

Flow Control:

To control the airflow of a fan, there are some accessories to be installed, such as dampers, variable-pitch blades, and speed control.


Dampers are part of the air stream so they are installed directly on the fan inlet or outlet. Dampers are made up of material, which may not be acceptable for material handling fans.

Advantages of Dampers:

  • Dramatic Power Supply and Noise Reduction
  • Simple installation.
  • Lower initial costs.

Dampers are of two types:

Outlet Dampers:

The selection of outlet dampers depends on the required resistance, with parallel and opposed blades available for optimal control.

Inlet Dampers:

Inlet dampers reduce fan output and operating horsepower by pre-spinning air into the fan inlet, ensuring power savings for extended periods of operation.

Variable Pitch Blades:

Variable-pitch impellers enable manual or automatic changes to blade pitch, allowing for pneumatic or hydraulic adjustments while the fan is operating.

Variable Frequency Drive (VFD)

In flow control, a VFD (variable frequency drive) is also used as an accessory to control the flow of a fan, so the VFD is also an important parameter in fan selection.VFD applications vary fan speed and fan static pressure by controlling voltage and frequency between the electric power source and fan motor. The fan speed varies linearly with line frequency, with most VFD applications using direct drive arrangements. Belt drives are occasionally used.

VFD's intended usage requires understanding of the building's power supply and other electrical equipment usage. In applications with 80% or more system air flow, an inlet damper may be a better choice.

In short, the following parameters are more important in selecting the right fan:

When we think about a clean air system, there are numerous factors to be considered for optimal performance of the system. The selection of fans is one of them. Here are some factors responsible for these fan selections:.

Volume Flow Rate:

Make sure the fan has sufficiently high air speed and air flow for optimal performance of the system.


The amount of pressure needed to move air through the ducting and any filters,dampers, or other obstructions in the ventilation system.

Type of Air stream Handled:

The type of air that needs to be moved.

Space Limitations:

Available amount of space for the fan.


The fan’s efficiency depends on the design and type of fan.

All the above factors are most important in selecting the right fan or blower for the clean air system.

How can you select the right parameters among all to select the right fan?

With so many deciding factors and parameters, how can one choose the right parameters to choose the right fan for a clean air system? Here, Filter On’s expert guidance came into play. Filter On assesses requirements and gives you expert guidance to choose the right fan for a clean air system.

Filter On will assess:

  1. Statically and dynamically balanced fans, optimized with careful selection of operating points.
  2. Optimal VFD ensures further power savings.
  3. Fans are selected for optimized performance and require less power.

Thus, Filter On uses their 40+ years of expertise to help you decide the right fan for a clean air system.

In the next article we will explore more about fine tuning of fans for optimum performance of the system.

Filter On India has been working towards “Mission Zero Pollution” for the last 40+ years as a clean air solutions partner for industries. We specialize and have expertise in welding fumes, oil mist, coolant mist, dust collection, soldering, laser marking, laser cutting, plasma cutting, fumes in fastener manufacturing, ball point tip manufacturing, oil quenching, kitchen fumes, etc. Filter On has 70+ clean air solutions, so you can contact us for more information about our solutions. You can reach us through the web or visit us at our corporate office at Pune and our virtual locations at Delhi, Bangalore, Ahmadabad, Hyderabad, or Chennai locations.


Optimizing Air Quality: An Extensive Guide to Fan Selection for Clean Air Systems (Part I)

Optimizing Air Quality: An Extensive Guide to Fan Selection for Clean Air Systems (Part I)

We discussed the selection of filtration systems in the previous article. Fan selection is most important in ventilation when we talk about air-moving devices, selection of fan is most important because it has impact on the overall performance of the clean air system, However fan selection is difficult task, so some expert guidance is necessary. Here in this article we will discuss types of fans, some guidelines about how to choose right fan for right application? Etc..

Classification of fans for fan selection

Fans are the primary air-moving devices in industrial applications, so they have been classified into three basic groups:

  • Axial Fans
  • Centrifugal Fans.
  • Special Type Fans

Axial Fans

Industrial Tube Axial fan
Industrial Axial fan

Axial fans are used for high flow rates at lower resistance. Axial fans are of three types:

  • Propeller Fans
  • Tube axial Fans
  • Vane axial Fans

Propeller fans are essential for general ventilation, utilizing blade types like disc or propeller blades for low resistance. Performance is sensitive to resistance, affecting flow rate.

Tube axial fans, also known as duct fans, are fans designed to move air against moderate pressures, typically with narrow or propeller-type blades in a short cylindrical housing.

Vane axial fans, typically mounted in cylindrical housings, are highly efficient and typically used in clean air applications due to their higher pressures.

Types of centrifugal fan

Forward Curve (Squirrel Cages):

Squirrel cages, with their low space requirements and quiet operation, are ideal for low to moderate static pressures in heating and air conditioning work but not recommended for dust or particles that could cause unbalance.

Radial Impellers:

Radial impellers offer a variety of blade shapes, ranging from high efficiency to heavy impact resistance, designed for exhaust systems. These radial blades, with medium tip speeds, handle both clean and dirty air, ensuring efficient material conveying velocities.

Backward-inclined or backward-curved impeller blades

These blades are inclined oppositely to the direction of fan rotation. These types of fans have higher speeds, efficiency, and relatively low noise levels with non-overloading horsepower characteristics.

These impellers have two types:
  • Single-thickness blades and
  • Airfoil blades.

Special Type Fans:

Special Type Duct Fans

Special-type fans, such as in-line centrifugal and vane axial fans, feature backward-inclined blades and similar performance curves to scroll-type centrifugal fans.

Thus, it is very important to choose the right type of fan for the right kind of application. For example, choosing a forward-curved fan for fume and dust handling will definitely be the wrong choice, as it would lead to the deposition of particles on forward-curved blades and thus imbalance.

How do I select the right fan for the right application?

In conclusion-
  • Choose an axial fan for low-pressure and high-volume clean air ventilation applications (like underground parking or tunnel exhaust ventilation).
  • Choose centrifugal forward-curved fans for fresh air low-pressure applications. You will find these fans most commonly used for small AC units, coolers, etc.
  • Choose centrifugal backward-curved fans for medium-pressure and low- to high-volume applications. These are most commonly used for industrial fume extractors, dust collectors, AHUs of central AC systems, etc.
  • Choose centrifugal radial fans for material movement like pneumatic conveying, dust handling systems, powder handling systems, etc.

In the next article we will explore more about configurations and type of drives of fans which has a significant impact on performance of the system as a whole.

Filter On India has been working towards “Mission Zero Pollution” for the last 40+ years as a clean air solutions partner for industries. We specialize and have expertise in welding fumes, oil mist, coolant mist, dust collection, soldering, laser marking, laser cutting, plasma cutting, fumes in fastener manufacturing, ball point tip manufacturing, oil quenching, kitchen fumes, etc. Filter On has 70+ clean air solutions, so you can contact us for more information about our solutions. You can reach us through the web or visit us at our corporate office at Pune and our virtual locations at Delhi, Bangalore, Ahmadabad, Hyderabad, or Chennai locations.


Selecting the right filtration technology: Key To Clean Air System

Selecting the right filtration technology: Key To Clean Air System

In a previous article , we discussed the importance of air flow in pollution control. Now we will look into the filtration technology we use in the clean air system, which are these? What are their advantages and disadvantages? Which applications are suitable or unsuitable for these technologies? How do you wisely choose the best technology between them? etc. The answers to all these questions, on which we are now focused in this article.

When we talk about filtration technology, we come across the three technologies that Filter On India offers, namely:

  • Electrostatic Precipitation Technology
  • Media Filter / Cartridge Technology
  • Wet Scrubber and Venturi Scrubber Technology

Electrostatic Precipitation Technology:

Electrostatic precipitation (ESP) technology is a two-stage electrostatic air filtration system used to filter fumes, smoke, mist particles, and dust particles. Filter-On's ESP system uses a metallic and washable filter element to release smoke-free, clean air back into the environment. This technology is effective in handling the smallest particles (0.01 micron to 10 micron) and offers various models to suit various applications, locations, and performance requirements. The ESP system provides high efficiency and excellent return on investment.


  • Zero Replacement Cost
  • Low pressure loss saves running costs
  • High efficiency even for submicron particles

Electrostatic Precipitator Technology

Key Applications of Electrostatic Precipitation Technology:

  • Dry Fumes like Soldering, Laser Marking, Spot Welding, Wave Soldering, manual welding, Robotic Welding & SPM etc.
  • Oil Mist Filtration for small CNC machines like ball pen tip-making machines, CNC grinding machines, 5 Axis grinders, Sliding Heads, Gear Cutting / grinding machines, Hobbing machines, Cold Forging, Nut Formers
  • Kitchen fumes filtration


Needs manual cleaning periodically. Thus not suitable in high dust concentration applications like plasma cutting, dry grinding, laser cutting etc. Also, it is not recommended for applications which are fire sensitive e.g. aluminum dust or flammable aerosols. One more application is corrosive acidic fumes, where this technology is not suitable.

Media Filter/Cartridge Technology:

During various processes such as plasma cutting, laser cutting, grinding, polishing, welding, laser marking, graphite machining, woodworking dry dust and solid particles are generated so this is a simple system that can be easily deployed for the separation of the dry dust and solid particles generated from above processes. Dust-laden air passes through a cartridge filter, capturing fine dust particles, allowing clean air to pass through, ensuring a healthier environment.. In this system, filter cleaning is automatically achieved through reverse pulsed jets of compressed air, and the dust gets accumulated in a bottom tray, which can be easily removed and cleaned.

Media Type/Cartridge Type Technology


  • Automatic Cleaning:Routine maintenance of filters is very easy
  • High efficiency
  • Works effectively for heavy dust loads

Key Industrial Applications of Media Filter/Cartridge Technology:

  • Welding fume extraction
  • Grinding Dust Collection
  • Plasma cutting fume extraction
  • Melting furnace fume extraction
  • Saw dust collection in the woodworking industry


This system is not found effective in applications where the pollutant has some wet/liquid part like oil or grease. It clogs the filters early making the system ineffective. Also, if there are possibilities of any sparks/splatters or hot metal particles entering the system, it may cause the fire as the filter material in most of the cases is fire sensitive.

Wet/Venturi Scrubber Technology:

Wet scrubbers are a simple, yet powerful tool for removing particulate matter and other contaminants from gas streams. They work by capturing particulate matter in liquid droplets, which are then collected and dissolving or absorbing the pollutant gas. The efficiency of a wet scrubber depends on the power input and the use of a mist eliminator. Wet scrubbers are typically the only air pollution control device that can remove both pollutants. Water is the most common solvent used to remove inorganic contaminants, and other liquids can also be used as absorbing solutions. The chemical composition of these solutions can change the overall charge, making it crucial to choose the scrubbing liquid that will bind most effectively to remove contaminants from the gas. For industrial air pollution applications, wet scrubbers are designed with premium materials and quality thermoplastic construction, as well as UV-resistant PVC, polypropylene, and polyethylene for outdoor installations.

Wet/Venturi Scrubber Technology

Venturi Scrubber Technology:

Industrial processes often generate hazardous submicron particles, welding fumes, odors, and other water- or chemically-soluble fumes and vapors. The Venturi scrubber is designed to capture these pollutants through adsorption, using energy from the inlet gas stream to atomize the liquid being scrubbed. The section comprises a converging section, a throat section, and a diverging section, with exhaust gas entering the converging section and liquid entering the throat or entrance. The exhaust gas moves at high velocities in the small throat section, shears the liquid from its walls, producing tiny droplets. Particle and gas removal occurs in the throat section, and the exhaust stream exits through the diverging section. Venturi scrubbers can collect both particulate and gaseous pollutants. Wet scrubbers, which use water as a solvent, can also be used to remove inorganic contaminants. The Caustic solution (sodium hydroxide) is the most common scrubbing liquid used for acid-gas control.

Working Principle:

It works on the following principle: it creates a differential between higher velocity gas and the highly energetic turbulence nature of the liquid, which creates droplets, which helps in capturing the contaminants at a faster rate and making them a highly concentrated slurry.


  • A simple design for the introduction of scrubbing liquid.
  • Fixed Venturi throat dampers
  • The design does not involve mesh pads; instead, it contains a cyclonic separator for mist elimination
  • In order to minimize the consumption of water, it is designed with separate recirculation systems

Advantages :

  • Highly capable of removing pollutants like Corrosive Fumes, Dust, VOCs & Gases. Ability to handle high temperatures
  • The design can be customized based on the application with less cost. Can reduce the high moisture streams
  • Ability to neutralize dust and gasses that are flammable in nature Less maintenance
  • Operates with higher efficiencies (in case of Venturi Scrubber)

Key Industrial Applications of Wet Scrubber Technology:

  • Acid Fumes
  • Flammable Dust Extraction
  • Gas Absorption like Ammonia / H2S / SO2 etc.


Wet Scrubbers need a lot of water. So it can't be used in water scarce regions. Also, the pollutants get absorbed in the water and this water cannot be drained directly anywhere. You need to have an Effluent treatment facility within your plant. In absence of ETP, wet scrubbers cannot be used.

One more limitation is regarding the size. Wet scrubbers are quite big in size as compared with other filtration systems.

Venturi Scrubbers need very high power (highest among all other technologies)

How do I choose the right filtration technology?

We have discussed in detail various technologies of filtration, so now which technology is ideal for your application?

Choosing the best technology for your application is very important when you have quotations from various industrial players. It may include electrostatic precipitation technology, cartridge technology, and wet/venturi scrubber technology. All these technologies have advantages as well as some limitations, but when you look at the long run, You must look into the answers to some of the questions first.

  1. Whether this technology is suitable for my application?
  2. What is the power cost of using the filtration technology?
  3. What is the replacement cost & frequency of replacement?
  4. What is the maintenance cost for filtration technology?

All these questions are very important in the selection of the filtration technology for your application, so Filter On India can give you expert advice and help you decide which is the right filtration technology for your application or combinations of one or two of the technologies for your application.

Benefits of choosing the right filtration technology for your applications:

  • Cost saving
  • Long-Term Working
  • Power Saving
  • Low Maintenance Cost
  • Efficiency in Working

Filter On India has been working towards “Mission Zero Pollution” for the last 40+ years as a clean air solutions partner for industries. Filter On has 70+ clean air solutions, so you can contact us for more information about our solutions. You can reach us through the web or visit us at Pune, Delhi, Bangalore, Ahmedabad, Hyderabad or Chennai locations.


Optimizing Fume Capture: Essential Air Flow Calculation Strategies

Optimizing Fume Capture: Essential Air Flow Calculation Strategies

( Air Flow: The Most Important Parameter for the Effectiveness of Air Pollution Control Systems )

We discussed in a previous blog article how you can plan a complete, clean air system. with the help of an air quality mapping test and various factors such as OSHA, ISO, and ACGIH standards. After identification and selection of the fume sources, it is important to understand the basic aspects that make the fume extraction and clean air system successful. These are: 1. Effective Capture of Fumes; and 2. Efficient Filtration of Fumes. In this article, we are discussing how we can capture fumes effectively. and knowing the various standards set by OSHA, ISO, and ACGIH for air flow calculations, as well as capturing the fumes to find the fume extractor capacity requirement, i.e., CMH calculations.

What is air flow?

Airflow is the volume of air moved by a fan per unit of time, usually expressed in cubic feet per minute (CFM) or meters cubed per hour (m3/hr, or CMH). For general ventilation, airflow can be calculated using the area method. Air change method. Occupancy method.

Why is air flow an important metric in ventilation?

The important metric for ventilation is to control the rate of airflow. It is also important to minimize the airflow rate at any given time without compromising the main purpose of the ventilation system, which is good indoor air quality and thermal comfort. One of the easiest ways to save energy is by controlling the rate of airflow.

After identifying the source of fume generation and finding the various sources of fume generation, we can now look at how we can capture these fumes. Here are some factors responsible for capturing fumes.

  • Design of the Suction Hood
  • Proper Blower Capacity
  • Suction Hood Dimensions
  • Distance from the Fume Generation Point
  • Types of Fumes to Be Captured

Fig:Types of hoods and enclosures


Fig: Welding Operation

The design of the suction hood and the proper capacity of the blower are two of the most critical aspects of any fume extraction system. If we can’t capture fumes effectively, the fumes can't be treated. In the absence of effective capture, fumes will escape from the suction hood and spread throughout the indoor environment, which makes fume extraction systems ineffective.

To optimize the size of such a system, we need to provide an enclosure when the application from which fumes are generated; this will reduce the required airflow as well. E.g A welding table can be provided with an enclosure on three sides and a canopy hood on the top, as shown in the following image.

Sample calculations [case study]

To calculate the air flow in the welding booth, we can use:

A: length of operator side opening

B: Height from Job up to Canopy Hood

** All three sides should be closed up to jobs as shown in the photo.

Air Flow (in Cu M/Hr, i.e., CMH)

= A (in M) X B (in M) X 0.25 X 3600

e.g., if A = 1.2M and B = 1.2M, as shown in the photo, then


Air flow = 1.1 x 1.1 x 0.25 x 3600

= 1089 CMH

From the above example, you may understand that air flow is very important in designing a proper, clean air system. If you want to plan a clean air system, then you must know a few things.

To maintain adequate air flow in the clean air system, the following factors are responsible:

  • Duct losses
  • Friction losses
  • Fitting Losses

So you can plan an effective clean air system with the help of the above example and some of the factors discussed above, keeping in mind that an effective clean air system requires adequate air flow capacity to capture fumes effectively. Neither a low nor a high level of CFM is required, i.e., to design a proper clean air system, expert advice is needed, and Filter On India can surely help in this regard.

[While comparing any alternatives, the first parameter to be compared is the CFM or CMH value of air flow.]

Filter On India has been working towards “Mission Zero Pollution” for the last 40+ years as a clean air solutions partner for industries. Filter On has 70+ clean air solutions, so you can contact us for more information about our solutions. You can reach us through the web or visit us at Pune, Delhi, Bangalore,Ahmedabad, Hyderabad or Chennai locations.


Designing A Complete Clean Air System: A Guide To Effective Planning

Designing A Complete Clean Air System: A Guide To Effective Planning

Planning is the first step when you think of any new project or anything that needs to be organized, e.g., if you want to organize a workshop on some industrial topic, then you are required to plan accordingly the most important things to perform that workshop, i.e., the date and time of the workshop, the venue, the visiting guest, the number of attendees, and so on. Similar things are also applicable when you plan a total clean air project solution. In industries where continuous production is on, a number of applications (welding, brazing, gauging, soldering,laser cutting, plasma cutting) are performed every day. Fumes generated in these applications are hazardous in nature for the operator or worker, and, due to this, the whole work environment is disturbed, so planning to install a clean air solution is a mandatory task for the maintenance manager of that industry. We are here discussing how we can plan a specific clean air solution.

Why is planning a clean air solution important ?

One of the biggest reasons for failure to implement clean air systems in manufacturing industries is a lack of awareness about the importance of the planning phase. Because of this, the implementation of clean air systems is done in a very haphazard manner with a fragmented approach. The result is that resources are spent without much result on the ground. This can be avoided if proper planning for clean air systems is made.

What to Plan for Clean Air Systems?

The final objective of any clean air system implementation is to minimize exposure to air pollution for people working in close proximity to various processes and ensure protection of their health and productivity. Thus, the plan should be aligned with this objective. There are certain standards set for ambient air quality that are recommended to be followed by global bodies like ACGIH (American Conference of Governmental and Industrial Hygienists), OSHA, ISO, etc., which are also adopted by local regulatory authorities like the Factories Act and CPCB.

The first step in planning the systems properly is to check the actual air quality at the workplace and compare it with the standard’s requirements. This will bring visibility to where the gaps in compliance are. Which stations are most polluting? And such stations would be the best candidates to start the implementation of clean air systems, as they will give maximum returns on invested resources.

This exercise is known as air quality mapping. FilterON provides this service with the help of a real-time laser aerosol monitoring system. This exercise would provide very important baseline data on pollution levels at each station for the users, which can be a great input for decision-makers.

How is air quality mapping done?

A Filter A representative with expertise in the air pollution control system sector will take samples from each and every robotic and manual welding station. With the help of a portable digital aerosol monitor, the reading of air quality in terms of mg/M3 of dust concentration is recorded. These readings are plotted on the layout and marked as red, yellow, and green categories.

Red: Pollution levels are way higher than the requirements of the standard

Yellow: pollution level on the borderline of the upper limit recommended in the standard and

Green: pollution levels below the limits mentioned in standards (i.e., safe air quality).

This mapping exercise will be followed by a recommendation and a report regarding:

To reduce pollution levels drastically, where should I focus the resources most?

Which type of system would be best suited for the said applications?

This exercise would help users define the requirements of clean air systems more objectively and rationally, and it would be a great planning tool for the implementation of effective clean air systems.

How does air quality mapping help in planning clean air solutions?

  • AQ Map can help identify the ‘hot spots’ i.e., workstations generating the highest pollution in the layout
  • Can help the planners ‘prioritize’ the budgets for these ‘hot spots’ so that maximum effectiveness can be achieved in any given budget.
  • Generally, 20% of the workstations in the layout will be responsible for generating 80% of pollution. The AQ Map helps the planner identify those 20% of workstations for ‘targeted action'.
  • It helps the planners to chalk out the ‘Clean Air Plan’ and implement it phase-wise. The AQ Map becomes an effective tool for monitoring the progress of such a plan.

Filter On India has been working towards “Mission Zero Pollution” for the last 40+ years as a clean air solutions partner for industries. Filter On has 70+ clean air solutions, so you can contact us for more information about our solutions. You can reach us through the web or visit us at Pune, Delhi, Bangalore, or Chennai locations.
